Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
Understanding Science Engagement – Scientists

Understanding Science Engagement – Scientists

The Understanding Science Engagement by Scientists (USE-S) study aims at investigating how scientists engage with the public and how they envisage the relationship between science and society. It explores how these views relate to experience of public engagement activities, wider political engagement, and attitudinal and sociodemographic characteristics. The survey will inform work to improve public engagement and to identify approaches to increasing the capabilities of scientists to take part in dialogic public engagement around both the content and societal implications of science. The objectives of the research are to:

  1. Understand Scientists’ Perspectives: To elucidate how scientists engage with the public and their perceptions regarding the relationship between science and society. This objective particularly aims to uncover how scientists’ views are influenced by their experiences in public engagement activities, their political affiliations, as well as their attitudinal and sociodemographic traits.
  • Conduct Comparative Analysis: To conduct a comparative international analysis exploring the distinct national and organisational contexts that influence and shape scientists’ approaches to public engagement. This will provide insights into how different countries and institutions handle public engagement and science communication, reflecting the need for a global dialogue on topics such as gene editing and AI.
  • Examine Contextual Impacts on Engagement: To analyse the role of institutional and societal contexts on shaping scientists’ approaches to public engagement. This includes understanding how cultural, individual attitudes, and sociodemographic statuses of scientists influence their take on public engagement and their perspectives on the ethical and societal implications linked to their research.

Through these objectives, the USE-S study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of scientists’ engagement with the public in both the UK and internationally, informing institutions and policymakers on effective strategies and areas of focus for future public engagement initiatives.