Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
The Hopes and Fears Lab Mini Manifesto Shopping List

The Hopes and Fears Lab Mini Manifesto Shopping List

Thank you for reading our Mini Manifesto! Here are some helpful links for you to run your own Lab:

  1. Carboard boxes. We use these ones: Priory Direct. The 450mm x 450mm x 508mm are mostly cuboid, and the right size for the sticker decals which Tom has designed to stick straight on! We like the double-wall boxes for extra strength.
  2. Downloadable & adhesive The Hopes and Fears character stickers. Our artist, Tom Mclean, has designed downloadable Hopes and Fears character elements! These can be printed as giant stickers to decorate your boxes, and recreate the visual identity of the Lab. Please complete this form for access: https://forms.gle/VQJLJrtxTqa52CFVA
  3. Cardboard desks. Here are the ones we ordered: The Paper Hive (£15) BUT you can also make desks out of 2 or more cardboard boxes with a sturdy, flat, cardboard top.
  4. Cardboard seating. We ordered these from Paper Lounge for people to sit on: cardboard benches and cardboard stools. But regular chairs also work just fine!
  5. Sticky back velcro strips. Something like this (also available in places like poundland!)
  6. Art supplies for an all age experience. Your required supplies will vary depending on what you run — we had cardboard pizza bases and coloured acrylic markers for the young one to draw their hopes and fears.
  7. 15 minute sand timers. Something like this
  8. Takeaway collateral from the event. For our AI iteration of the Lab, we had these takeaway postcards. Feel free to contact Tom McLean (contact information below) to design bespoke postcards, posters, etc. for your event!
  9. Plain paper notebooks and pencils for each Lab desk. We bought ours from Rymans, but supermarkets etc. are also an option!
  10. Cardboard signs to show what is being discussed on a desk. We used scrap card for this, and wrote things like ‘CANCER’ or ‘CRISPR’ by hand. We just folded pieces of card in half lengthways in order to stand them up.
  11. Signage (everywhere!). Signs like ‘the lab is open’, ‘toilets this way’, ‘how does it work’ and ‘conversation starters’. We printed these on regular printer paper, and then used A4 acrylic holders to display them. Here’s what some of our signage looked like for our Iftar event: Iftar Lab Info.
  12. Evaluation forms and pens. That is, if you are evaluating! Here’s what our AI Hopes and Fears evaluation forms looked like: for publics, for researchers.
If you have any questions or would like further guidance, feel free to contact us!

Running the Lab: kavlicentre@educ.cam.ac.uk
Art commissions or assistance: https://www.tom-draws.com/, email: thomasmclean64@gmail.com